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Clinical waste disposal

The City Council provides a free Clinical Waste Collection service from domestic premises only within the District. In order to receive a clinical collection you will need to be registered for the service.

To register, your healthcare professional (Doctor, District Nurse, Hospital or Primary Care Trust) will need to complete a referral form on your behalf and send it to us. We are unable to arrange a collection without their referral form. The form authorising this service must be requested from your health care provider.

Once you are registered, please complete this form to book a clinical waste collection.

Once a request is processed, a sharps box will be provided by Winchester City Council and then collected regularly on a like-for-like basis.

If this is the first time you have arranged a collection, please ring 0300 300 0013 to confirm you are registered.

If you live in the Winchester City Council district you will need to request your sharps box/clinical sacks to be collected by 11am Monday in order to have it collected in the same week.

Please note, if you are booking by phone you will need to call by 12pm.

Please leave the sharps box/clinical sacks presented for collection at the agreed point and visible to our collection driver no later than 7am on the morning of the collection day.

If you would like further information about this service or clarification about the different types of clinical waste then please contact us on 0300 300 0013.


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