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Winchester Shared Housing Accreditation Scheme

Winchester City Council’s Shared Housing Accreditation Scheme was originally launched in 2003. It was primarily aimed at landlords wishing to market and advertise HMO (house in multiple occupation) properties for rent to students through Student Housing Services at The University of Winchester. However, the scheme is now open to all landlords who operate smaller HMOs of between 3 – 4 tenants which fall outside of the mandatory licensing requirement and may wish to have their property Accredited in order to demonstrate that they are providing safe, decent and well managed houses for tenants.

The Accreditation Scheme is voluntary but applicants to join the scheme must be able to demonstrate they are ‘fit and proper’ persons.

The Accreditation Scheme takes into account matters around: Gas and electrical safety / fire safety / provision of bathroom & kitchen amenities / security / furniture and furnishings / energy efficiency / property condition and management. For further information please refer to  the scheme’s booklet attached on this page.

Privacy Notice

Your personal information will be held and used in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018.

Winchester City Council will only use your personal data to process your application and for contacting you regarding the management of the HMO and the Accreditation conditions. For this purpose, we may disclose or share the information provided within the Council, with other local authorities, and with other relevant agencies.

For more information about how Winchester City Council uses your personal data please see our web site:

The online application for the Accreditation and re-accreditation application are hosted by external providers and you will leave the Winchester City Council web site in order to complete and submit them.


